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Our Plan

Our project and services are open source and lecture fundamentally.

And our project & servies cannot be used for commercial purpose.

EtherCAT Master (x86)

EtherCAT master platform is provided. Used platform is EtherCAT Master 1.5.2 owned by etherlab. This master platform also is open source. 


We use Ubuntu that is LINUX distribution. The hardware platform are Intel, ARM core. For example we use X86, raspberry pi, beagle-bone black.


Xenomai is used for Real-Time Operation. Xenomai is Real-Time Framework base on LINUX. That is free software and open source if you do not use for commercial. 

Embedded System

EtherCAT master platform is provided. Used platform is EtherCAT Master 1.5.2 owned by etherlab. This master platform also is open source. 

EtherCAT Slave

Slave Platform is maunfactured by Team. LAMECH. You can buy it on online shopping mall. It is a ADC, Digital I/O, Motor Driver, etc.

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